Cancellation Order-Power of Attorney-Plot allotted to original allottee was resumed due to non-payment of dues-After resumption order allottee appointed a GPAfor pursuing the remedies available as per law-GPA got resumption order set aside on payment on basis of current market price-Thereafter, GPA got sale deed executed in favour of petitioner-Sale deed and allotment letter were executed by authority in the name of petitioner-Thereafter, authority cancelled the allotment on the ground that original allottee and GPA had entered into connivance to commit fraud-Impugned order set aside-Held; GPA was not the beneficiary in any way-He was appointed only to facilitate the proceedings before authorities as he was friend of original allottee and local resident-No consideration ever passed from GPA to allottee-Transaction held to be bonafide-Petitioner held to be bona fide purchaser for consideration—Cancellation order set aside.;;