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Sunday, April 11, 2010


S.24 and 26--Defective Meter--Penalty--On ground that meter was found running slow--Respondent/Plaintiff never confronted with checking report nor it was signed by its authorised representative--Principles of natural justice not complied with--Besides provisions of Section 26 also violated--Penalty not liable to be imposed.; Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. & Anr. v. M/S Nestor Pharmaceuticals Limited.; 2010(1) Law Herald (P&H) 659
S.26--Defective meter--Penalty--If there was a dispute regarding the meter, the matter was to be decided upon an application of either of the parties by the Electrical Inspector. His report was essentially to determine the extent of the amount of energy supplied to the consumer to ascertain the liability.; Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. & Anr. v. M/S Nestor Pharmaceuticals Limited.; 2010(1) Law Herald (P&H) 659